I presented my second book Sigo reflexionando in 2020, just before the COVID-19 pandemic. It was my second book as a journalist, after Reflexiones y recomendaciones.
There are two versions: the normal one, with the interior in black and white, and the special edition, with the interior in color. Being a self-published book, I didn´t have the option of making the interior in black and white with only a few pages in color for the photographs, so I have made two editions, so that you can choose, since the special edition is very expensive because of the printing costs. It is for sale on Amazon.
It has been almost two years of work, plus the years in which I traveled the world taking photographs, which I include in this book.
If you want to support me so I can continue writing, you can buy my books on Amazon (Silvia San Martín) or you can make a donation through Paypal to support my work. Everything helps. Thanks. You can make donations here: paypal.me/escritorafavorita
You can watch some videos of promotion here, although they are in Spanish:
The second and the third ones were recorded in Tenerife, where I celebrated my birthday, when the COVID-19 was arriving to Spain. In a few weeks, our lifes changed forever.
The black and white edition:
The color edition: