Recommended books

I want to recommend you another books, that you can buy on Amazon, from authors with whom I have collaborated, taking photographs for the covers of their books:

Aventuras de una profesora de español by Emma Castillo
Claves para ser profesor de idiomas by Emma Castillo
Nunca hubo otro by Emma Castillo
Qué hacer cuando te diagnostican vitíligo by Celeste Casan
Si tu familia te maltrata, vete by Celeste Casan

Watch the videos, although they are in Spanish:

Aventuras de una profesora de español by Emma Castillo
Claves para ser profesor de idiomas by Emma Castillo
Nunca hubo otro by Emma Castillo
Si tu familia te maltrata, vete by Celeste Casan

If you want to support me so I can continue writing, you can buy my books on Amazon (Silvia San Martín) or you can make a donation through Paypal to support my work. Everything helps. Thanks.

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