Book number 5: “Sobrevivir al maltrato y al COVID-19”

Sobrevivir al maltrato y al COVID-19 is a fiction book based on real events and It is my fith book.

You can buy it here, like all my books. It is available in hardcover and softcover.

Sobrevivir al maltrato y al COVID-19 tells the story of Diana, a journalist who leaves a psychologically abusive relationship of almost five years and has to start over. When she is finally recovering, she is surprised by the COVID-19 pandemic and has to spend it alone at home, which makes her recovery more difficult. And, meanwhile, without been able to work, she remains stunned but everything that is happening in the country, watching the news, unable to do anything. It is a story of improvement and hope. It doesn´t tell about the abuse she suffered, but rather how she gets out of the situation and starts a new life. It costs, but It is possible. It is a fictional story, based on real events. There are facts that are true and others comes from the author´s imagination. Each reader can think what is true and what is not, but the most important thing is to understand that you can get out of a situation of psychological abuse, start over and be happy.

Hardcover book:

Paperback book:

Here are the photograps of the two books:

Two pages preview:

Watch the promotional videos, although they are in Spanish:

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