I love to get up early for taking photographs of the sunrise. If you like my pictures you can send me a message to buy a specific one or you can buy my books of photographs on Amazon.
If you want to support me so I can continue writing, you can buy my books on Amazon (Silvia San Martín) or you can make a donation through Paypal to support my work. Everything helps. Thanks. You can make donations here: paypal.me/escritorafavorita
Pictures from my eyes is a collection of the best photos I took in places like Niagara-on-the-Lake, Niagara Falls, LA, Brighton (England), Alicante (Spain), Tenerife Sur (Spain), Burgos (Spain) and Madrid (Spain). This is what my eyes see. I love the Sun, the Moon, the sunrise, the sunset, the sea, the beach… Enjoy through my eyes!
I have published another two books of photographs: Fotografías de Aranjuez y Fotografías de Fuentelcesped:
Another pics I took recently:

My happy moment waiting for the sunrise: